Miscellaneous Notes on Nordic Birds
Solo exhibition, Oscarshall, Oslo, NO, 2015

Installation view The Queen Joséphine Gallery. Photo by Helene Melseth Flaaen, the Royal Court of Norway

Installation view The Queen Joséphine Gallery. Photo by Helene Melseth Flaaen, the Royal Court of Norway

Installation view The Queen Joséphine Gallery. Photo by Helene Melseth Flaaen, the Royal Court of Norway

Installation view The Queen Joséphine Gallery. Photo by Helene Melseth Flaaen, the Royal Court of Norway

Portræt af en allike #3, fotopolymergravure / photopolymer gravure, 2014, ed. 8, 775 x 535 mm [535 x 355 mm]. Photo by Faaborg Museum

Portræt af en udstoppet husskade #3, 2014, fotopolymergravure / photopolymer gravure, ed. 8, 535 x 775 mm [355 x 535 mm]. Photo by Faaborg Museum

Stor hornugle, litografi / litograph, ed. 8, 2011, 1070 x 750 mm [995 x 700 mm]. Photo by Lars Bay, Museum Jorn