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Solo exhibition, Galleri Specta, Copenhagen, DK, 2010
Photos by Anders Sune Berg

Træsnit / woodcuts, Galleri Specta, 2010

Bird Alert, træsnit / woodcut, Galleri Specta, 2010

Go Crow Go, træsnit / woodcut, Galleri Specta, 2010

No Go Crow, træsnit / woodcut, Galleri Specta, 2010

I'm having a little issue with crows, træsnit / woodcut, Galleri Specta, 2010

Installation view, collager, udstoppet sortbjørn, prærieulv og egern / collages, stuffed black bear, stuffed coyote and squirrel, Galleri Specta, 2010

Installation view, collager, udstoppet sortbjørn, prærieulv og egern / collages, stuffed black bear, stuffed coyote and squirrel, Galleri Specta, 2010

Udstoppet sortbjørn / stuffed black bear, Galleri Specta, 2010

Udstoppet prærieulv / stuffed coyote, Galleri Specta, 2010